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Meet Jovanny

LS Faculty- Cultural 2 and Folklore

A dominican dance teacher at Laura Stage Dance School, Jovanny initiated his Dominican Folk Dance training at the Folklore group “Agrucudegua” in Gualey, Santo Domingo. He studied theory and practice of Folklore with famous legend Fradique Lizardo and the Villa Mella Congos, the Sarandunga of Bani, the Bamboula de Samana and the Palos of different regions. He was part of “Teatro Popular Danzante” of Nereida Rodriguez. Jovanny has performed in numerous productions, such as “Kandela”, directed by Chiqui Haddad. 

At Laura's Stage, Jovanny has choreographed a wide variety of innovative, culturally rich and diverse pieces, fusing the traditional and contemporary in such a captivating way. His vibrant choreography and class instruction makes him an invaluable teacher and colleague.  

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